The first book I launched was one that I received the rights back to—Rapture. After the learning curve of publishing Rapture, I discovered this wonderful Indie world of authors who help each other. It’s been such a wonderful experience I feel as if I’ve entered into a writers’ co-operative. We share marketing tips, ask basic questions, share information on good editors, graphic designers and much more. Looking back I find it hard to fathom that it was only four months ago that I took the Indie plunge. Honestly, it’s been such a great experience, I love it. One of the big things for me is taking the mystery out of publishing. I always wondered how the big 6 publishers did it and now I know.
Here’s what the big 6 publishers do – find a good story, hire a cover artist, hire an editor and even a line editor, purchase ISBN, foster relationships with booksellers to urge them to showcase their authors
Here’s what I did – wrote a good story, hired a cover artists, hired an editor, for free Canadians can secure ISBNS, fostering and building my relationships with my audience—readers and other Indie authors.
The mystery has been solved. Indie publishing is doable. Indie publishing let’s you set the pace of your writing schedule. Indie publishing can be an uplifting experience.
I hope you enjoyed my Indie journey and in celebration of my third Indie publication on Amazon I’ve launched a contest.
Contest to celebrate launch of Claiming Poseidon’s Heart
$25 Amazon gift card plus e-copies of all my Indie publications: Rapture, A Siren’s Christmas Wish, and my latest Claiming Poseidon’s Heart. The contest runs from April 15, 2012 until April 24, 2012. One lucky winner will be randomly picked.
$25 Amazon gift card plus e-copies of all my Indie publications: Rapture, A Siren’s Christmas Wish, and my latest Claiming Poseidon’s Heart. The contest runs from April 15, 2012 until April 24, 2012. One lucky winner will be randomly picked.
Email me at: renee@reneefield.com
And answer these 2 questions with yes or no:
Do you read Indie books?
Are you an Indie author?
The Indie world is amazing...I have stepped into it as well and released a freebie as my first try. People are so amazing and so supportive.
Congrats on your book launching! That's so exciting!
I do read Indie authors - all the time. And I'm not an Indie author yet, but I'd like to give it a shot sometime soon after I figure out how.
Have a great rest of the weekend!:)
I too am finding my way around the Indie Publishing world and after re-releasing 2 previously published books am almost ready to release two new titles on Amazon.
You are quite right about the support of the group and other writers in general.
I wish you well with your books
Congratulations, Renee!! And yes, I both read indie books, and I am also an indie author.
Good luck on your latest release!
Do you read Indie books? Absolutely.
Are you an Indie author? Not yet, but just got my rights back for one of my stories and am trying to figure out this self-publishing thing.
Congratulations, Renee. Hiring an editor is key, as we can never see our stories objectively. Another key element is support, and the Indie author loops are invaluable.
Yes, I read Indie published books.
Yes, I released an Indie title last Christmas, SANTA DEAR.
Awesome Renee! Congrats on the new release and best of luck. I'm an indie who released my third YA back in March. Never could I have released three titles in six months going the traditional route. I'm exhausted, but it feels right working for myself. I couldn't agree more about the sense of community I've found amongst writers in general, but especially the indie-pubbed authors. Keep up the good work!
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