I have hit the halfway mark for Movember and it’s not looking any better. Both the moustache on my hubby and my growing itch (all puns intended). So today as I’m flicking through the Globe and Mail in my two minute break between writing, editing, emptying the dishwasher, shoving another load of laundry in the washer and thinking already what am I going to feed the horde of kids, there’s an article on the Movember campaign.
Actually it’s a good article because I did wonder what sick person came up with a fundraiser for this – and yes, it was a man drinking beer. Or in this case a bunch of men drinking beer in 2003 in Melbourne, Australia. Duh, I had no idea someone came up with idea without liquor! Note to self: buy more liquor to get through the rest of the month.
Really though the marketing genius of Movember should be applauded. But like the author of the G&M article points out, “…does the campaign’s emphasis on mustache culture, risqué jokes and gentleman’s lifestyle risk undermining its goals? Oh my god I will so kill my husband if he doesn’t raise money for this charity.
Note to self for next year: pay hubby not to grow a moustache! Yes, that’s the idea women. Let’s take back the month of November and celebrate those cozy cuddles with our partners without that annoying-not-so-soft tickle of hair getting between you and love. Let’s change the name to Lovember. I seriously think I’m on to something here! Next year it’s totally Lovember – what more do I need to say. Those guys in Melbourne got it all wrong. First off they were obviously drinking because they don’t have girlfriends, wives or significant others and to come up with Movember I bet them a drink that’s not what they first came up with. I say Lovember all the way – how you want to raise money with cuddles, kisses and lots of more loving, and all for a great cause, is up to you but I’ve had 23 days to seriously think what I’ve been missing so I’m planning on Lovember for 2011. I challenge all you men out there to join my bandwagon for next year. Be a stud for Lovember!
Oh, I had to share the latest thing hubby said while wistfully playing with his moustache. “I have no idea how to manage this thing. What do guys do?” I told him to comb it….see pic for a good laugh.
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