Today on my blog I'm letting my good writing friend Lilly Cain, who besides writing for Carina Press has taken the Indie plunge. Today, she's talking about why Everyone Loves a Fairy Tale. Plus leave a comment because she's giving away a copy of her latest novella Return to Me to one lucky commenter.
Hi Renee! Thanks for
having me here today!
As a kid I was a voracious reader. That hasn’t changed a
bit. J
And I loved fairy tale then, just as I do now. Mine are just a bit different
these days. I love the dark undertones to the original fairy tales from every
country. These stories were not your Disney presentations but gritty,
dangerous, scary and sometimes sexy stories told around fires for the delight
of people young and old.
Take the latest movie versions of Snow White. Definitely not
something you would let a small child watch. And yet they might be closer to
the original tale.
Lately I have been reading, and now writing, folklore from
other countries. My current favorites are the Celtic tales, so that’s why I
decided to write a modern Celtic fairytale in my own style – as an erotic
romance. This short novella Return To Me
is all me (super hot and sexy if I do say so myself) but also features a
classic character from Celtic folklore – the Selkie. Selkie are shapechangers
who love in the ocean for most of their lives, wearing magical pelts that
change them into seals. When they come ashore to walk as men, they shed their
pelts and hide them from the humans they wish to dally with.
The Selkie take a big risk coming ashore. If a human were to
steal their pelt they would never be able to go home and they would forget the
ocean, but a part of them would always feel lost. On the other hand, a human
who loves a Selkie knows that if they give their heart to these shapechangers
and leave their pelts and freedom alone, they will eventually be abandoned when
the inescapable pull to return to the water carries their lovers away. In the
water the Selkie forget their human loves, even their possible offspring.
In Return To Me, trust between a human woman and a Selkie
man is rewarded and loyalty, despite the possible consequences, overcomes a
danger that neither of the two lovers had even considered.
Lilly Cain
“Stories of Darkly
Seductive Fantasy and Sensual Romance”
To read more about Lilly and her erotic romances, check out
her website at