Monday, August 30, 2010

Be My Werecat Tonight

Wow time flies. I was away in PEI enjoying all those farmers with muscles (lol) and whammo my 2nd book in my Darklander Lovers series hits the shelf. Sorry I'm late in posting a blog...but here it is. Warning it's a hot excerpt

Be My Werecat Tonight
Renee Field

Book two in the Darklander Lovers series

As a surgeon, Hank is used to working with his hands. Good thing, because those skillful fingers are needed to release the passionate wild cats lying dormant in one tigress of a redheaded woman.

Naughty nurse Nora’s passionate response to her blind date unleashes something untamed within her. The only problem is she doesn’t appreciate her newfound gift. It’s up to Hank to teach her how to embrace her wilder side or they’ll both end up as housecats—a curse worse than death for a proud Darklander werecat.

Purchase today at

The night had taken an unusual direction after the blind date auction. Having heard a man cry for help from the alley, Hank allowed his werecat to take over and it had been then he’d snagged her scent. All woman. Sensual, alluring healing heat radiated in bright hues of sparkling orange and red around her. She hadn’t been terrified of him. Instead, spellbound, Hank had watched her inch forward, forcing her own fear to heel so she could save the victim’s life with her hands. Witnessing her healing the man had almost knocked him over. If he hadn’t been watching her so intently he would have missed the flicker of the cat within her who screamed, “Let me out…release me!”

Tonight that’s exactly what Hank planned, to let the wild cat roaming within her free. He’d used his feline telepathy to discern who she was and quickly read the sexual fantasy she longed for. Discovering she was the woman who had won him as her blind date caused him to preen with satisfaction. Knowing her sexual fantasy was wanting to play doctor with him, his beast of a cat purred in ecstasy. So here Hank was—playing doctor when he really was one.

“All right, nurse.” Hank lowered himself to his knees, purposefully using his wide shoulders to part her legs. Again a moment’s hesitation met his attempt but then he felt her relax, parting her legs more on the stool so he could move his body between her thighs. The advantage was hers now. On his knees he had to look up at her while she sat poised on the tall stool. She was like a Goddess and he planned to worship her.

Hank moved lower. She had a doctor fixation, but his mind thrust had also revealed she felt her body was inadequate. Inadequate my ass.

“Lovely curls. Nothing I admire more than a true redhead.” He was glad he had insisted
she remove her panties earlier. He blew a hot breath across her pussy, aching to dip his finger in to see if she was wet for him.

She harrumphed at him and a brief smile flew across her face.

Her immediate response to his praise confirmed what he felt. She judged herself too harshly. “Naughty, nurse…are you questioning my taste?”

She giggled, causing her breasts to jiggle. Hank stilled his hands that wanted to rip open the small black hooks keeping her tits from his view. He used the opportunity to leverage his body up so his mouth could latch onto her right breast through the bra. She gasped. Hank flicked his tongue back and forth over her sensitive nipple and then moved his mouth to her other breast to reward it also. Two large wet stains appeared on her bra. Her entire body quivered from his ministrations. The cats within him purred. He could see all her reactions perfectly even though the room was only lit with two flickering red candles that smelled of strawberries.

“Oh my. I forgot what that feels like.”

“I’m just getting started. When I’m done with my exam I want that pussy cream of yours to be sliding out of that warm cunt. Then I’m going to give you your annual checkup…you naughty little kitty.”

“Did you just call me kitty?”

Hank gave the insides of her thighs a lick, tasting her heat and unique scent, reminding him of fresh flowers.

“Yes, I did. Let’s unleash that kitty of yours.” To emphasize his point he moved his tongue higher, giving a rough scrape along her wet folds. Her body melted into his touch, her legs instinctively opening to him, allowing him to take her passion-induced scent into his body.

Hank’s rock-hard erection created a tent as it pushed painfully up against the zipper of his dress pants. He growled. His cats felt too constricted in the suit. Forcing himself to behave, he used his fingertips to outline her heaving breasts. She unhooked the lower portion of the uniform, parting the fabric in a slow tease. Her tiny exposed bellybutton teased him. “No laughing,” he cautioned, lowering his body once again so he could swivel his tongue inside her round bellybutton. She stifled a giggle.

“Nurse, I do believe I said no laughing. Your naughtiness will not go unpunished. Spread your legs wider for me.”

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another Contract - it's all about the dragons

Very busy over the summer with my new job, which I love and my new stories I've been working on. Ellora's Cave just gave me a new contract for my dragon erotic novella, called Beastly Passion, which I confess to writing about a year ago and finally got around to polish. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this story until I started doing those pre-edits for my publisher. I must say it's refreshing to enjoy your own work for a change.

At the end of July my first book in my new paranormal erotic Darklander Lovers series launched. Be My Vampire Tonight is the first in this three book series and I can't wait for my readers to read the 2nd book, Be My Werecat Tonight, which launches at the end of August - which is just around the corner. Funny thing I discovered when writing the vampire story - I really had to work at writing about a vampire. The entire blood/sex thing does not work for me so I confess to struggling to get the character right. Now, when it came to my werecat guy - bingo! I loved him from the get-go.

So tonight after 8hrs watching my son in a paddling regatta, running to see another one play baseball (and missing that), I made myself get down to figuring out my new netbook comptuer. Small, yes, but I'm getting it. I really don't like the new version of word -ugh - so far hate that, but finally feel like my fingers are adapting to the universal keyboard.

That's it in my oh so exciting life folks!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Be My Vampire Excerpt

Okay my latest book is out with Ellora's Cave and I'm thrilled because this is book one in a three book series called Darklander Lovers. The first book is Be My Vampire Tonight and it features my cop guy Mitch (must admit I've got a thing for a guy in a uniform - scratch that, because if he's wearing a janitor uniform that might not work -lol) and Tina, my shy but powerful lawyer. I wrote this series because I've honestly never been on a blind date, but often thought I'd like it. Would I go all wild like my characters? Well, maybe, or at least in my mind that's a maybe. I'd love to hear from you. Let me know the crazies blind date you went on and you could win a free e-copy of Be My Vampire Tonight.

Purchase link:

In his one hundred and twenty years as a vampire Mitch had never done anything remotely like this. Part of him thought entering a bachelor auction was crude while his baser macho instinct automatically preened before the crowd of oohing and ahhing women, madly raising their hands shouting out his number. Thankfully he was masked.

“They like you,” taunted Lance.

Mitch didn’t say anything. He lengthened his stride to ensure he almost floated behind Hank and did a slow turn just like his werecat friend. Then he flexed his forearms, moving them to rest behind his head in a casual pose and decided he’d finally gone barking mad.

Then her scent snagged him. Hot, lust-filled blood, ripe for the taking. More than that, he felt her mind push. That tingling awareness that said the woman, filled with thoughts of sex, was a psychic—a powerful one at that. He turned, his gaze catching on the long chestnut mane of curls streaked with hues of auburn and corn yellow colors, noting how it trailed past her pale, bare shoulders. She shuddered, turning her gaze from him.

For the first time in years Mitch’s cock hardened with mind-blowing lust, pouring like thick, warm blood through his veins. Physically he had to resist the urge to leap off the stage, grab the woman who had attracted his attention and bite into her veins, taking her precious desire-inducing life force. The sensation, so strong, caused Mitch’s cock and balls to tighten, the need for release a hot pulsing beacon that said she was his. Take her. Claim her. To hell with the consequences. And there would be consequences because she was a blasted human. A psychic but human none the less.
Another mind push from her caused his steps to falter. Basically she told him to back off. He growled, the sound a low vibration laced with dangerous intent. I don’t think so. Mine. You. Are. Mine. You just don’t know it yet. But tonight you will.
For the first time that evening Mitch truly grinned, ensuring no fangs revealed themselves. With his cock rock hard for the tantalizing taste of O-negative blood, he couldn’t wait to escape the theater and get his just reward for the night.
When the endless marching around the stage ceased and they were finally able to exit, Sasha rushed up to them.

“Thank you…thank you. You guys were a huge hit. I just knew it.”

“Only for you, Sasha,” said Mitch, giving her an elegant old-fashioned bow.

Shoving an envelope and red rose into Mitch’s hand, Sasha continued. “Okay here, this is your date, Mitch. And yes, it’s the one you want. The instructions are outlined in the letter. This is for you, Hank.” She handed the werecat a tiger lily and an envelope. “And voilà, brother dear.” Sasha held a yellow daisy out for Lance with a similar envelope. “Be nice. They paid a small fortune for you and don’t forget this is a date. Have fun. See you tomorrow night.”

All three men groaned loudly but Mitch’s growl tugged a smile from Sasha’s retreating form.

* * * * *

“I got him. Number twenty-one!” squealed Nora, pleased when the owner of the establishment held up the number for her to see.

“That’s because you outbid me,” snapped Cindy. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’ve got the one I really wanted. Number twenty-three. Who did you get, Tina?”
Tina gulped. “I think I got number twenty-two but that’s not who I wanted. I was trying to bid for the guy across from him…number thirty-three.” Tina did not like the fact the owner flashed the number twenty-two at her. The number was taped to a ping-pong paddle to match the models on stage and the owner seemed oblivious to the fact that Tina had been bidding on the other man.

“Twenty-two…wasn’t that the spooky one?” asked Cindy.

“Wasn’t that the guy who looked as if he were floating on the stage?” asked Nora. “It doesn’t matter. It’s just a date, don’t worry about it.”

“Yeah, it’s a date…you do remember what that is, right?” teased Cindy.

Tina took another drink of the pink liquor her friends had bought her. She twirled the tiny matching fuchsia umbrella with her fingers. Before she could say anything a beautiful woman with long, straight black hair wearing a gorgeous short black dress approached the table. The only thing out of place was the bold purple witch’s hat she wore. Then again this was a theater charity auction.

“Ladies, I’m Madam Sasha. I can’t thank you enough for your generous bids. Here are your envelopes. The men you each picked are very, very special.

“Just how special?” Cindy grinned, giving the woman a bold wink.

“You will not be disappointed.”

“Actually, I tried to bid on thirty-three.” Tina seriously hoped to rearrange her date. While there was nothing wrong with the gorgeous man decked out in the kill-me-now tuxedo, his haunting good looks and deep chocolate brown eyes had evoked a dangerous twittering in her that she felt straight from her hot core to her now curling toes.

Madam Sasha pinned her with an intense stare. “Thirty-three will not fulfill you. Trust me, it’s twenty-two you really need. And as much as he might be gruff and all macho-like, just keep in mind that one is never too old to learn new tricks.”

“Tricks?” asked Tina, clearly confused.

“Yes, tricks,” snickered her friends in unison.

Tina shushed them. Why did I agree to this? Tina thought there was a lot left unsaid by the woman’s cryptic remark but she had vowed to have fun and let her hair down, and that’s exactly what she planned to do. Maybe another drink would be a good idea.